Morning Anxiety:
Your alarm goes off. Or you just wake up, but too early. Your mind is racing with thoughts about what you have to do, what bills you have to pay, whatever family stress is bothering you, and a conversation you had a few days ago that you just can’t shake. All you really want to do is sleep: you’re tired. But at the same time you are wide awake, anxiety coursing through your body. You get up, dreading your day because your anxiety is in full swing and it’s only 6:00am! If this sounds familiar, you are in good company. Many of my clients tell me this is how every day begins for them, and how sometimes the anxiety is so great they don’t want to get out of bed because everything feels too overwhelming. Then this can cause the emotional system to shut down, and lead to depression. The last thing you want to do when you feel depressed is get out of bed. So you check out, and get nothing done. Then you’re anxious again because nothing got done! It’s a vicious anxiety-depression cycle.
How You Start Your Day Matters:
Being intentional with a morning routine can make a big difference in your day. When you start the day by focusing on your own wellbeing, you are giving yourself the message that you matter. You are important. From this mindset your day flows in a very different way. You are more present. You are less anxious. You are more compassionate. And yes, you are more productive. Set aside 20 minutes and custom fit a morning routine that fits your needs. There is no one size fits all morning routine, but here are some ideas:
How To Start Your Day If You Wake Up Anxious:
First things first: Prioritize reducing your anxiety.
- Resist looking at your phone. Email, news, texts, reminders: it can all wait 20 minutes.
- Do parasympathetic breathing for 5-10 minutes. This is a simple breathing technique where you extend your exhale longer than your inhale. (for example breathe in to the count of 3, breathe out to the count of 5).
- Put one hand on your heart, and one on your belly, take slow deep breaths and say a kind, short phrase to yourself such as, “I am safe,” or “I am capable.”
- Avoid caffeine. Caffeine is jet fuel for anxiety. If you have a caffeine addiction, try switching to green tea.
- Herbal tea meditation: Drink a cup of tea and do nothing else. Focus on the warmth of the mug in your hand, the smell and flavor of the tea, the way it feels going down your throat. Slow the whole process down and pay attention to the details of the experience.
- Practice mindfulness.
- Do yoga/stretch.
- Set an intention for your day.
- Do any combination of the above.
What If I Wake Up Depressed?
First things first: Prioritize feeling less depressed.
- Avoid looking at your phone.
- Open shades to get sunlight. If it’s dark, use a seasonal affective disorder lamp.
- Get in the shower.
- Get outside for a walk or even just a few minutes of fresh air.
- Tea meditation. Add honey.
- Do yoga/stretch.
- Journal.
- Set an intention for your day.
- Put on some happy music and dance around your bedroom.
- Write down things you are grateful for.
- Reach out for support.
I’ve Tried To Do a Morning Routine Before and it Never Sticks:
It can be difficult to create a morning routine that doesn’t peter out. There are 2 factors that will make or break your routine:
1) Do you enjoy it?
2) Do you see benefit from it?
If the answers to these questions are yes, then you are more likely to continue your routine. Your routine doesn’t have to be long. 20-minutes is enough to make an impact. If you struggle to keep it going, get support. Reach out to a friend, share this article and set up a schedule to check in about maintaining a morning routine. Or contact me if you are wanting more support at jaceyt@cultivateconfidence.com.
Need Some Inspiration? Quotes on Morning Routines:
“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” — John C. Maxwell
“If today was the last day of my life, would I be happy with what I’m about to do today?” —Steve Jobs
“Let today be the day you give up who you’ve been for who you can become.” —Hal Elrod
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” – Leo Buscaglia