Geronimo's teachings on leadership and respect.
Being able to identify our needs is a key to a healthy relationship with ourselves and others.
Generally I am a sound sleeper. I found myself the other night, however, wide-awake, and I could not go back to sleep. I started to get frustrated- thinking of the day to come, how much I had to do,...
Forgiveness is not something we give others- it is something that spontaneously happens once healing occurs.
A Class Divided In 1968, Jane Elliot, a 3rd grade teacher in Iowa, conducted an experiment in her classroom to teach her students about racism. She divided the class into 2 groups- those with blue eyes and those with...
Why an inferiority complex is something that only you can change.
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.” ~ Rumi “Being right is highly overrated. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.” ~ Author Unknown Recently I had...
A few days ago, Ralph Lauren released an advertisement with model Fillipa Hamiltion that had been digitally altered, resulting in a freakishly thin Fillipa. Ralph Lauren did publicly apologize and take responsibility for the ad, however, it doesn’t change...
The top 5 causes of communication gridlock and 5 steps to getting unstuck.