Got A Temper? Wear Some Shoes!

Got A Temper? Wear Some Shoes!

Wondering what the heck I’m talking about?  Watch this 2 and a half-minute video of Pema Chodron to hear the explanation.


Pema is saying something we don’t want to hear – that the key to our own inner-peace and happiness has to do with the way we work with our own minds. Life is for the most part out of our control.  It is impossible to make everything go the way we want it to or think it should be.

Why Can’t the Other Person Just Change?

Most of us are very invested in getting other people to change and be as we’d like them to be.  We think things like, “If he/she would only:

  • stop yelling at me
  • make more money
  • be home more
  • take the kids more
  • follow through
  • be honest
  • clean the house
  • stop criticizing me
  • run the office differently
  • lose weight
    ……………….then I would be happy.”

This way of thinking keeps us locked into our unhappiness.  If we work with our minds instead, we can create the sense of peace we claim to be looking for.

What does this have to do with confidence?

When we feel at the mercy of the world, we have no confidence.  We are constantly afraid of what might or might not happen.  When we know that we can work with our minds regardless of what life throws our way (and we just never know) that gives us confidence.  We know that we will be able to handle our life circumstances with grace.

So How Do I Work With My Mind?

Stay tuned for next month’s article!

Wanting More Information on Pema Chodron?

Click here.