5 Reasons to Attend Anna Twinney’s Clinics in 2014

5 Reasons to Attend Anna Twinney’s Clinics in 2014

If you are reading this, you are most likely a horse person. Maybe you grew up with horses. Or maybe like me you stumbled upon them without a clue of what you were doing and were humbled by their grace, presence and intrigue. Either way, here’s why attending one of Anna Twinney’s clinics in the new year will make a difference in your life.

1. Anna speaks the language of horses fluently.  Horses are always communicating something, and the untrained eye misses most of it.  No flick of the ear or swish of the tail gets by Anna.  She is so present and well versed in the ways horses communicate that she is able to carry on a respectful conversation.  I’ve seen it over and over again.  She will help you speak this language, and learn to, as she says, “capture the whisper.”

2.  Anna speaks the language of people fluently.  Anna will take the time to listen to your questions and answer them.  She will hear your concerns and fears.  She will offer you all she has.  Many people are good with horses, but to be good with horses and people requires a special talent.  Anna has the gift of being able to work with horses and explain what she is doing at the same time.  She can even anticipate the horse’s next move with such accuracy that often she can tell you what is about to happen before it happens.  Anna is as good of an instructor as she is a solid, grounded horse woman.

3.  Anna will help you achieve your goals.  A beginner?  A seasoned horse professional?  Anna will tailor her workshop to meet your needs and to help you achieve your goals.  I once asked her how she did this, and she replied, “It’s easy.  The horses.”  Whatever it is you are wanting to achieve, Anna will pair you up with the right horse which will challenge you just enough that you grow, but not too much that you leave frustrated.  And if you do by chance get frustrated, Anna will be right there with you to help you gain the skill you need to be successful.

4.  You can bring your horse.  This was always an issue for me when it came to attending clinics.  I’d go and watch all these great things happen, and perhaps even do some amazing things myself, and then get back to my horse and watch it all fall apart because my horse was doing something completely different than what the horse in the clinic was doing.  Get the best of both worlds and bring your horse!  What a treat for your horse too- to be with a person that completely understands and speaks his/her language.  (see number 1)  Your horse will thank you, I know mine did.

5.  You will become a more confident and aware person.  At the last workshop I attended Anna said, “The greatest quality of leadership is awareness.”  This really struck me as in the work I do, I am always trying to help people find ways to be more confident.  This is what first drew me to the horses.  To engage in a relationship with a horse  you have to find your own sense of self- your own voice, your own clarity and steadfastness. We all have areas in our lives where we want to be able to lead- with our children, our jobs, in our communities.  What you learn with Anna will spill over out of the arena and into your life.  Anna is helping the world become a more conscious place through her teaching of how to provide authentic leadership to horses.

You can find out more about Anna and check out her 2014 schedule by visiting her website:  www.reachouttohorses.com